Pete and his new Harry Potter girlfriend. As per, I have forgotten her name. Pete, would you be smiling so much if you found out she was Matthew Creasy's sister?
We weren't smiling quite so much after Pizza Express ripped us off.
Feeling the pressure. Oh, that's right - we don't have to stress about hexams any more!
You can't see Pete's Norwegian flag, but he was wearing one, because his mate thought it would be funny. He, and indeed, he.
Ed, Emily and Sarah at The Turf: what a great afternoon that was!
Fi after Finals
Ed in OB Quad after Finals
Ed and Alban at The Turf, the afternoon after our last English Finals exam
A long shot of Louis and his family at Fota wildlife park, Co. Cork - a surprisingly good day out!
Laura and Tiny, the weird dog
Laura and me at her new house in Cobh, Co. Cork, with my 21st birthday cake
Louis, the coolest little ape (on t'right)...if a little crap at being one
Monday 19 July 2004
Olafur Eliasson's "The Weather Project" in the Turbine Hall at the Tate Modern, part of The Unilever Series