Thursday 29 April 2010

Virgin Media and easyJet respond to my Twitter critiques

Yesterday I blogged about corporate Twitter accounts. I followed it up by tweeting @virginmedia and @easyJetCare with my criticisms. Here are my tweets and their responses:
@virginmedia Are you aware that your feeds are hidden in the sidebar of your Twitter background? Screenshots here:
12:59 AM Apr 28th via TweetDeck

@domeheid There's a lot of information we need to put on there, will pass on your feedback all the same so thanks =) BMc
about 13 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to domeheid
@easyJetCare Are you aware that your Twitter background is pixellated? Screenshots here:
1:00 AM Apr 28th via TweetDeck

@domeheid Thanks for your comments. We will have this checked. ^DB
about 15 hours ago via CoTweet in reply to domeheid
It'll be interesting to see how long it takes them to actually fix the glitches - if they even intend to. Watch this space. Or better still, follow me on Twitter!

Wednesday 28 April 2010

What makes a good corporate Twitter account?

My first homework assignment for the IAB social media practitioner programme is to write a blog post critiquing two corporate Twitter accounts: one who gets it and one who doesn't get it. Examples that Henry Elliss gave in his talk at the first session included @twelpforce (25,542 followers), @easyJetCare (6,048 followers), and @virginmedia (10,775 followers). All three of these companies use Twitter for customer service - a brave choice. The nice thing about this is that they are able to respond quickly to their customers. Virgin Media and easyJet initial their tweets to that you can trace them back to a particular employee.

Saturday 24 April 2010

Geek, dweeb, dork, or nerd?

Image source: BuzzFeed.

I'm coming to terms with the realization that I'm a geek. This nifty Venn diagram makes me feel a little better about it since it could have been worse: I could have been a dork! Although I'm at times socially awkward, I don't quite reach into social ineptitude and - falling heavy objects permitting - I at least have my intelligence. I'm tickled by the fact that a Venn diagram is such a geeky way to display this information, but it does describe the subtle differences between these social categories so much better than words can. I wonder, however, whether this Venn diagram was designed by a geek, since geeks come out of it so favourably.

Thanks to @Dr_Whut for sharing this on Jabber team chat at work.